Friday, January 16, 2009

Markets Pull Off 2nd Mid-Day Rally, Ignore Banking Concerns

This week sure has proven volatile. From one minute to the next we really didn't know if we were headed for more bottom fishing or another bear market rally. Still, buyers seemed to come in just at the right time for the second day in a row leading the markets to about a 1% gain. My predictions for next week are still up in the air, with a short-term rally as the more likely candidate given how over-sold we have been this week. Still, we should look to the charts for guidance. Please check out the new Trading Video below or click the link below that recaps this crazy week and sheds light on what may come in the future for the markets, oil, and the financials.

Click this link to view the Trading Video!

Being short this week definitely helped. Members and I have enjoyed a very nice return on all our trades this month; closing some out at more than a 25% return. Having made such great money on this recent market slide, we are starting to tilt our positions in selective stocks. So, don't forget to sign up for a trading membership to take advantage of these great opportunities!