Thursday, January 15, 2009

DOW Support Level Holds After Early Sell-Off...More Financial Stress Ahead?

Good Evening everyone! Well, it looks like the my targeted support level held firm today after an early morning scare that sent the DOW below 8,000. The main catalyst today was Bank of America (BAC) news that it would need more money from the government to help with it's purchase/merger of Merrill. I guess we will find out exactly how bad (BAC) is doing when they announce earnings this Friday. My question for the government is this: When do we run out of life boats for all these companies drowning in debt? I really don't see an end in sight to all these bailouts, which I think will really hurt the market long term in many different ways. Still, we look to the charts for directions as the bullz and bearz battled hard today....Please watch the Trading Video for more commentary and analysis.

Click this link to view the Trading Video!